Catholic Health
Stroke Care
Catholic Health
Stroke Care
When you or a loved one suffer a stroke, every second counts. The longer a stroke patient waits to seek treatment, the more damage is done to the brain. Catholic Health’s four designated stroke centers provide emergency medical management of stroke that saves lives and brain function. From Lewiston to South Buffalo, our Stroke Care Network offers award-winning, comprehensive care close to home.
Our designated stroke centers are located at:
- Mercy Hospital of Buffalo
- Kenmore Mercy Hospital
- Sisters of Charity Hospital
- Mount St. Mary’s Hospital
Mercy Hospital of Buffalo is at the center of our stroke care, serving as the region’s only Advanced Comprehensive Stroke Center by the Joint Commission and American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.
Providing Life Saving Stroke Care
In the event of a stroke, patients can expect to receive lifesaving care at one of our primary stroke centers. Depending on the severity of their condition, they may be transferred to the Comprehensive Stroke Center at Mercy Hospital for specialized treatment.
The Comprehensive Stroke Center is equipped with the latest in cutting edge technology. Using the Pulsara telestroke platform, our care team is in constant contact with emergency responders, making transfer to our designated stroke centers seamless when minutes matter most. Our investment in this equipment is crucial for our neurosurgeons to identify the affected areas of the brain. This allows the patient to receive the best treatment recommendations and the greatest possible outcome in their recovery.
We are proud to have a dedicated staff of board certified physicians who are experts in neurocritical care. The sooner a patient receives care, the more brain tissue can be saved. Upon entering our facilities, patients will encounter a Stroke Coordinator, who will assign them a designated care team. The coordinator will remain with the patient every step of the way, providing quality, compassionate care.
Facts About Stroke
Think a Stroke Happens in the Heart? Think Again.
Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States suffers from a stroke. The more educated we are on signs and symptoms, the better our chances of early detection and saving brain tissue. To learn more about stroke and if you are at risk, click here.
Yes, Young People Have to Worry About Strokes Too.
Strokes don’t just affect the elderly. In fact, hospitalizations among people aged 35-44 have increased in the last decade. While some risk factors are out of our control, there are still other lifestyle habits that we can modify to reduce our chances of a stroke, learn how here.
The Clotbuster that’s a Superhero to Stroke Patients.
Minutes matter in the event of a stroke. Medication that dissolves a stroke-inducing blood-clot is only effective if administered within the first four and half hours of a stroke. You can find out more about this “clot-busting” drug, and why “Time is Brain” here.
Don’t Wait: Get Help for Stroke
Approximately two million brain cells die every minute during a stroke. If you think you are suffering from a stroke, call 911 immediately. To learn more about the stroke services offered at Catholic Health, call (716) 706-2112.